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Theatre Arts

Theatre has an impact on the future, helping create young adults who are ready to work, learn, and make societal contributions.

Contact Us

Music & Theatre Arts
Portland Road Professional Center
4760 Portland Road NE, Suite 101

Stephen Lytle
Coordinator of Music & Drama

Kathryn Kem
Program Assistant

Sheila Gebhardt
Administrative Specialist

District Theatre News

Upcoming Theatre Events

Why Take Theatre?

Theatre make students college and career ready

Cast and crew members work collaboratively under high stress situations, think critically and creatively, and require high work ethic skills that colleges and employers value. In two of Google’s recent studies assessing the skills in their top employees and teams, communicating, empathy, critical thinking, valuing others, and connecting complex ideas were at the top of both lists.

Theatre increases brain development

In a time in teens’ lives where their emotional center of the brain (limbic system) is well (or over) developed and the Frontal Cortex controlling logic and decision-making is vastly underdeveloped, participating in theatre gives students a safe place for risk taking and explore emotions.

Investing in theatre gains a huge return on investment

Turning out students with high work ethic means more high quality workers, means higher pay, means more spending back into our economy. Additionally, artists have an 86% voting record compared to the rest of the country at 60%. Theatre students believe in caring for others and our world; they have a global view and volunteer more than their peers.

Theatre kids do better in school

Statistically, students of theatre are three times as likely to earn an award for attendance and academic achievement than their non-arts students, score an average of 91 points higher on the SAT, and are TWICE as likely to graduate from college. High poverty students involved in theatre have a 4% drop out rate.

State Standards for Theatre Education