Ensuring that houseless children and youth are provided a free, appropriate public education, despite lack of a fixed place of residence or a supervising parent or guardian.
Contact Us
About the McKinney-Vento Program
The McKinney-Vento Program helps children and youth who are unhoused, or living by themselves, succeed in school. This program aims to give these students and their families the tools they need to do well in school and have a steady life. This includes transportation to school, school supplies, homework help, and information about other local services. The program makes sure that all students get the support they need to shine in school, no matter where they live.
Program Eligibility
Children and youth, unaccompanied youth, and migrant students who lack a fixed, regular, or adequate nighttime residence.
District Liasions
McKinney-Vento Liaison
Aimee Rea
Phone: 503-391-4060
Foster Care Liaison
Stephanie Nguyen
Phone: 971-337-2149
Student Advocates
Shavon Leeds
Attendance and Shelters
Iris Gomora Urquiza
Kelly Violette
McNary High School
Billy Niebla
North High School
Aurora Ellison
South High School
Jordan Panther
Roberts, Sprague and West High Schools