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Complaint Resolution Process

Our district is dedicated to resolving complaints swiftly and effectively. Please review our policies and procedures to learn more about the process.



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Salem-Keizer Public Schools

Complaint Policy & Resolution Steps

Salem-Keizer Public Schools works to solve complaints quickly through open, informal communication with the school or department involved. This helps everyone understand each other’s views. See the steps below, or review the policy and procedures for more details.

Complaint Resolution Process

The processes below are from the Complaints, Public: Process for Resolving ADM-P008 administrative procedure and is not the entire policy. For more details, please review the document. 

Process: Informal Steps To Resolution Prior To Completing a Level One Formal Complaint Form

1. The process begins with attempting to resolve issues at the school level first in the following order:

  • Contact the teacher or staff member
  • Contact the Principal or Supervisor
  • Level One: Formal Written Complaint
    • The district leader will refer the complainant back to the school or department leader if there have not been efforts to resolve the issue informally at the school or department level.

Process: Level One - Written Complaint

  1. Complaints must be submitted to the Office of the Superintendent using the online complaint form. If you need assistance filling out the online form, please reach out to us at or call us at 503-399-3001. We are committed to ensuring that everyone has equal access, and we will be glad to assist you. The written complaint must include the name and contact information for the complainant, a description of the concern, and the student’s name, if applicable. Optional and helpful information includes the names and contact information of witnesses, a description of efforts to resolve the concern, and suggestions for resolution. The complainant will receive written acknowledgement of receipt of the complaint within five (5) days of receipt.
  2. A district leader for the respective school or the appropriate department supervisor will be responsible for investigating and responding to a Level One complaint. The superintendent may assign a different decision-maker for a Level One complaint as appropriate.
    • The district leader will refer the complainant back to the school or department leader if there have not been efforts to resolve the issue informally at the school or department level.
  3. All formal complaints, including each concern raised, will be investigated, decided, and communicated in writing within 30 days of receipt of the complaint, unless the parties agree to extend the deadline. The written decision will include the reasons for the district’s decision. Any agreement to extend the deadline shall be in writing.
  4. Upon receiving the Level One decision, if the complainant wants to continue to appeal, the complainant may appeal to the superintendent.

Process: Level Two - Appeal to the Superintendent

  1. If the complaint is not resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction, the complainant may request a review by the superintendent. The request for review must be submitted in writing within 10 days of the complainant receiving the Level One decision.
    • After reviewing materials previously submitted or gathered, and after conducting additional review, if deemed necessary, the superintendent or designee shall issue a written decision addressing the review of each of the allegations raised in the complaint and the reason for the decision and provide the written decision to the complainant, pursuant to OAR 581-022-2370.
  2. All complaints appealed to the superintendent will receive a decision in writing within 30 days of receipt of the request for review. The decision will include information on the steps for further appeal under this policy.
  3. Upon receiving the superintendent’s decision, if the complainant wants to continue to appeal, the complainant may appeal to the board chairperson and vice-chairperson(s). The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Superintendent within ten (10) days of receiving the Level Two decision.

Process: Level Three - Appeal to the School Boards Chairperson and Vice Chairperson(s)

  1. The school board chairperson and a vice-chairperson(s) shall review the record of the complaint and determine whether the nature of the complaint and the superintendent’s decision warrant a hearing before the full board.
    • At their discretion, the board chairperson may include both vice-chairpersons or a third school board director (but no more than three (3) school board directors) to participate in the reviewing of the complaint as described in section 1 of Process: Level Two: Appeal to the Superintendent.
  2. The decision of the chairperson and vice-chairperson(s) will be sent to the complainant in writing no later than ten (10) working days after receipt of the written appeal.
    • If dissatisfied with the decision, the complainant has the right to petition, in writing, the remaining board members requesting a hearing. The written petition must be submitted to the Office of the Superintendent, in writing, within ten (10) working days of the complainant receiving the written decision of the chairperson and vice-chairperson(s).

Process: Level Four - Petitioning School Board Members

  1. The superintendent or designee will provide the school board a copy of the petition and a copy of the record of the complaint within ten (10) working days of receiving the petition.
  2. The board members will review the record of the complaint and submit their individual decision regarding holding a full hearing to the superintendent, in writing, within ten (10) working days of receiving the record of the complaint.
  3. If there are not four members who agree to hold a hearing, the decision of the chairperson and vice-chairperson(s) will be final.
    • The complainant will be notified of the outcome of their petition in writing.
  4. If there are four board members who agree to hold a hearing, a hearing will be scheduled in accordance with the Oregon Public Meetings Law. The decision of the board, at the conclusion of the hearing, shall be final.
  5. If a hearing is held and a final decision is made, the board will notify the complainant of the final decision. If the appeal was on subject matter related to the issues in Section 2 of Outside Agencies (see Complaints, Public: Process for Resolving ADM-P008 document), the district will provide notification that the district’s decision may be appealed to the Oregon Deputy Director of Public Instruction.