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Creating Community, One Stich at a Time - Kim Siegrist, Myers Elementary

Kim S standing in front of a wall of hearts

Meet Kim Siegrist

Amidst the hustle and bustle of busy school halls, lunchrooms, and classrooms, many students have discovered a place of calm, connection, and community. This welcoming space is made possible by the dedication of fellow students and the leadership of their school counselors.

At each stage of a child’s educational journey, our school counselors have a loving hand in supporting students and ensuring their experience in our schools is positive, and fulfills them mentally, socially and adacmeically. 

Care, Crochet and Connection

At Myers Elementary, a small group of students have found a sense of place and connection to their school through the school’s new crochet club. While the concept is simple enough on the surface, the crochet club has created a sense of community among students and the positive connection students have to their school.

Since I joined the crochet club, I’m just really willing to come school because I know the crochet club is coming soon.
Lexie, Myers Elementary Student

Myers Elementary School Counselor Ms. Siegrist has noticed a sense of leadership among her new crochet students, which has brought them closer together. This club has given students an opportunity to engage with students outside of their normal classroom groups and created a foundation for friendship and positivity in their school.

Sophia, a student at Myers Elementary, shared, "It feels very relaxing, and I feel very loved and appreciated because Ms. Siegrist helped us out by starting this." She added, "I wouldn’t be here without her."