The board wants to hear broad input from the community related to board business and decisions, while at the same time effectively conduct board business. The board hears public comment during business session board meetings and special meetings with action items. Work session board meetings typically do not include public comment.
Sign Up To Comment
For details about public comment, please refer to the agenda. A lottery system will be used to select speakers at random. Please submit this form to sign up to comment.
If you are interested in providing public comment at the school board meeting and would like to request interpretation support, please email us your contact information and requested language.
Submission Guidelines
Please submit your public comment using the following guidelines:
- Written comment is limited to 3,000 characters (about 375 words) per person.
- Avoid using student and staff member names. We are not able to accept comment that names individual students or staff.
- Each person may sign up to submit comment once.
- First and last name, and city of residence are required. We are not able to accept comments that do not include this information.
- Please keep your comment within these guidelines.
Public comment is open for a specific time period prior to each board business meeting. If you would like to email the board at other times (which is not public comment) please email the board.
Thank you for your input!