District Acronyms & Abbreviations
Please help us improve this list. If you know of a commonly used acronym or term that is not on this page but believe should be here, or if you spot an acronym on this page that is outdated or incorrect, contact us.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
ACT - American College Testing (a college entrance exam)
AD - Athletic Director
ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act
ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADM - Average Daily Membership
ADMW - Average Daily Membership Weighted
AIMS - Activities Integrating Mathematics and Science
AP - Advanced Placement
AP - Assistant Principal
APE - Adaptive Physical Education
ASB - Associated Student Body
ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder
ASK/ESP - Association of Salem-Keizer Education Support Professionals
ASPIRE -Oregon’s official mentoring program
AT - Assistive Technology
AV - Audio Visual
AVID - Advancement Via Individual Determination
AYP - Adequate Yearly Progress
BAT - Budget Advisory Team
BD - Behavior Disorder
BM - Benchmark
BSSF - Basic School Support Fund
CACFP - Child and Adult Care Food Program
CAD - Computer Assisted Drafting
CAI - Computer Assisted Instruction
CAN - Community Action for Non-Violence
CAP - Curriculum Assistant Principals
CBOC - Citizen Bond Oversight Committee
CBC - Citizen Budget Committee
CCC - Chemeketa Community College
CCSS - Common Core State Standards
CD - Conduct Disorder
CDL-Comprehensive Distance Learning
CDS - Child Development Specialists
CEC - Council for Exceptional Children
CELL Survey - Classified Employee Leading and Learning Survey
CET - Children’s Educational Theatre
CIA - Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
CIP - Continuous Improvement Plan
CIS - Career Information Service
CIT - Careers in Teaching
CMI - Computer Managed Instruction
CML - Cumulative File (Students)
CNA - Certified Nurse’s Assistant
COG - Council of Governors
COSA - Confederation of Oregon School Administrators
CPD - Continuing Professional Development
CPI - Competency Performance Indicators
CPI - Consumer Price Index
CSIP - Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
CSOC - Community School Outreach Coordinator
CSS - Central Stores Services
CTE - Career & Technical Education
CTEC - Career / Technical Education Center
CTP - Community Transition Program
DAP - Developmentally Appropriate Practices
DD - Developmentally Disabled
DECA - Distributive Education Clubs of America
DH - District Holiday
DHH - Deaf, Hard of Hearing
DHS - Department of Human Services
DLC - Developmental Learning Center
Doc - Document or Microsoft Word File
DOC - District Operations Center
DSF - Digital StoreFront
DSSH - Designated State School Holiday
DTLC - Downtown Learning Center
DTS - Delivery Tracking System
EAC - Equity Advisory Committee
easyCBM - Student Assessment Tool (student login)
ECE - Early Childhood Education
ECIA - Education Consolidation Improvement Act (TITLE I)
ECSE - Early Childhood Special Education
ED - Emotionally Disturbed
EDGE - Enhanced Digital and Guided Education Online School Program
Edgenuity - K-12 Online Curriculum (student login)
EE_PD_HI - Employee Paid Health Insurance
EG - Elementary Grading Day
EGC - Emotional Growth Classroom
EI - Early Intervention
EIEP - Emergency Immigrant Education Program
EL - English Learners
ELA - English Language Acquisition
ELAS - English Language Acquisition Specialist
ELA - English Language Arts
ELD - English Language Development
Elem. - Elementary
ELL - English Language Learner
ELPA - English Language Proficiency Assessment
EOS - Equal Opportunity Schools
EPIC - Evaluation through Performance Improvement Commitments
ERC - Education Resource Center
ER_PD_HI - Employer Paid Health Insurance
ESSA - Every Student Succeeds Act
ESD - Education Service District
ESD1 - Elementary Staff Development Full Day
ELL - English Language Learners
ESL - English as a Second Language
ESOL - English Speakers of Other Languages
ESLT - Educational Service Leadership Team
ESP - Education Support Professionals
ESY - Extended School Year
EZSchoolPay - Meal Payments Program / Meal Cards
FAE - Fetal Alcohol Effect
FAPE - Free and Appropriate Public Education
FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FBA - Fundamental Behavior Assessment
FBLA - Future Business Leaders of America
FDAB - Fair Dismissal Appeals board
FERPA - Federal Educational Records Protection Act
FFF - Federal Forest Fees
FTE - Full Time Equivalency
GED - General Education Development
GLAD - Guided Language Acquisition Design
HB - House Bill
HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HMP - Health Management Plan
HOST - Temporary Shelter
HR - Human Resources
HS - High School
HSC - High School Completion
HSF - High School Finals - Early Release
HST - Health Services Team
HVAC - Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
IA - Instructional Assistant
IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IDT - In-District Transfer
IEP - Individualized Education Plan
IHP - Individualized Health Plan
IL - Instructional Leadership
ILP - Independent Living Program
IPS - In Program School
ISSC - Instructional Services Support Coordination
ITBS - Iowa Test of Basic Skills
ITI - Integrated Thematic Instruction
ITP - Individual Transition Plan
K - Kindergarten
K-5 - Kindergarten through 5th Grade (Elementary)
K-12 - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
K-12 C - Kindergarten through 12th Grade Conferences
K-12 EC - Kindergarten through 12th Grade Evening Conferences
K-12 ESOL - K-12 English for Speakers of Other Languages
KDRA - Kindergarten Development Reading Assessments & Parent Conferences
KT - Kindergarten transition
JGEMS - Jane Goodall Environmental Middle School
LA - Language Arts
LD - Learning Disabled
LEA - Local Education Agency
LEP - Limited English Proficient
LIPI - Limited In-Person Instruction
LM - Library Media
LPC - Lancaster Professional Center, 2450 Lancaster Drive NE
LRC - Learning Resource Center
LRE - Least Restrictive Environment
LSAC - Local School Advisory Committee
LSC - Life Skills Center
MCS - Modified Calendar School
MDT - Multidisciplinary Team
McKinney Vento - Homeless Student Assistance Program
MORS - Mid-Oregon Regional Services
MS - Middle School
MSE - Middle School Early Release
MSLT - Management Services Leadership Team
MTSS - Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
NAACP -National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (Salem Branch)
NAPE - National Association of Partners in Education
NCEA - National Community Education Association
NEA - National Education Association
NRT - Non-Resident Transfer
NS - No Students / A Non-Student Contact Day for Staff
NSPRA - National School Public Relations Association
NWREL - Northwest Region Educational Laboratory
OAKS - Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills
OAR - Oregon Administrative Rules
OBL - Office of Behavioral Learning
OCEA - Oregon Community Education Association
OCR - Office of Civil Rights
ODE - Oregon Department of Education
OEA - Oregon Education Association
OHI - Other Health Impaired
OLE - Optimum Learning Environments
OLR - Online Registration
OPP - Oregon Pre-Kindergarten Program
ORS - Oregon Revised Statutes
OSAA - Oregon School Activities Association
OSBA - Oregon School Boards Association
OSEAA - Office of Student Equity, Access, and Advancement
OSPRA - Oregon School Public Relations Association
OT - Occupational Therapy
OT/PT - Occupational and Physical Therapy
OTE - Onward to Excellence
OYA - Oregon Youth Authority
PA - Program Assistant, contact Curriculum department for more information
PAC - Parent Advisory Committee
PADTC - Polk Adolescent Day Treatment Center
PBIS - Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
PCS - Planned Course Statements
PD - Professional Development
PD360 - Professional Development 360
PDF - Portable Document Format
PE - Physical Education
PERS - Public Employee Retirement System
PG2G - Parents’ Guide to Graduation
PIRT - Prevention/Intervention Resource Teacher
PLC - Professional Learning Communities
PLD - Patterns for Leadership Design
Pre-K - Preschool and Kindergarten
PSAT/NMSQT - Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test / National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test
PT - Performance Task
PT - Physical Therapy
PTC - Parent-Teacher Club
QAM - Quality Assurance Model
Repro-Reprographics (Print Shop)
RFP - Request For Proposal
RIF - Reduction In Force
RN - Registered Nurse
RSA - Record of Standards Achievement
SAT - Scholastic Aptitude Test (a college entrance exam)
SB - Senate Bill
SB - School Board
SBAC - Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium
SCF - Services to Children and Families
SCIP - Social Communication Intervention Program
SCIT - Student Consultation Intervention Team
SDD - Staff Development Day
SEAC - Special Education Advisory Council
SEC - Student Equity Committee
SECC - Special Education Child Count
SED - Seriously Emotionally Disturbed
SEL - Social Emotional Learning
SFF - State School Fund
SG1 - Secondary Grading Day
SH - School Holiday
SIA - Student Investment Account
SIATF - Student Investment Account Task Force
SID - Statewide Inservice Day
SIOP - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol
SIPA - School Improvement Program Assistant
SIRC - Sexual Incident Response Committee
SKCE - Salem/Keizer Coalition for Equality
SKEA - Salem-Keizer Education Association
SLC - Structured Learning Center
SLC - Small Learning Communities
SLP - Speech Language Pathologist
SPAC - Strategic Planning Advisory Committee
SPEL - Strategies that Promote Engagement and Learning
SPED - Special Education
SRA - Suicide Risk Assessment
SRO - Student Resource Officer
SS - Student Services Center
SSD - Secondary Staff Development
SST - Student Services Team
STAT - Student Threat Assessment Team
SSRT - Student Safety Resource Teams
Super - Superintendent
T2T - Transition to Teaching
T & A - Trust and Agency
TAG - Talented and Gifted Program
TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
TELL - Teaching, Empowering, Leading and Learning
TIS - Technology and Information Services
TL - Teacher Leader
TLP - Transitional Language Program
TOSA - Teacher On Special Assignment
TPP - Teen Parent Program
TR - Teaching Research
TSPC - Teacher Standards and Practices Commission
VIC or VICs - Valley Inquiry Charter School
WESD - Willamette Education Service District
WOU - Western Oregon University
WS - Work Sample
WU - Willamette University
No acronyms starting with X.
YRE - Year Round Education
YST - Youth Services Team
YTP - Youth Transition Program
No acronyms starting with Z.